I am not usually a “stand on top the tables at Rock N’Bowl” kinda girl … not that there’s anything wrong with that … I’m just sayin’ that its not the way I usually roll. But I’m no wallflower, either. Rather, I’m the kind of girl who is usually found right up there with the band, right in front of the speakers, just not standing on top of them. However, this Saturday night, the crowd was so large at the send off party for the Nobles, I had no where to stand and shoot except the top of the speakers. And WOW! What a view it was from there! I have never seen such a sea of humanity as I looked over the crowd and realized that there were literally people as far as my eyes could see. The enormity of the number of people that showed up to give the Nobles a proper send-off was rather overwhelming just in terms of its size (I heard the building was at capacity and people were being turned away). But it also was quite obvious that the band members themselves, as well as their families, were quite overwhelmed with the immense outpouring of love from the New Orleans community, and with the size of the crowd that came out to hear them for the last time, to say goodbye and to reminisce. Also among the crowd of friends, families and co-workers were other musicians coming out to pay their last respects, and what a testament that is to the Nobles’ place in the NOLA music community.
It was a non-stop event, replete with a mock funeral to ceremoniously bury the Nobles’ most cherished keepsakes in a memory chest, which was then sent off in classic New Orleans style … via a traditional New Orleans second line. And who better to carry out the end of one New Orleans institution, but one of New Orleans newest institutions, the 6-10 Stompers.
When these guys say they are “Ordinary Men with Extraordinary Moves” they are not kidding. Talk about your moves like Jagger!
Live performance artist, Frenchy, was commissioned to capture the event in his amazing, unique style …. I can’t decide if I liked watching him work or the finished product best … both are rather amazing!
And I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that this painting’s new owners, Maurice and Nancy Trosclair, are rather delighted with the results!
And in the end, there was lots of love shared and tears shed as the band closed a 53 year run with success. It was astonishing how many in the crowd raised their hands when asked, “Did we play at your wedding”? So the night ended and the Nobles have now gone the way of K&B, Maison Blanche and D.H. Holmes … as in ain’t dere no more … but given the huge outpouring of affection from the masses in that club, I’m thinking REUNION is somewhere in the Nobles future!
To view and purchase photos from the event, the complete photo album can be found here:
Ruby MurrayThanks you so much for taking these wonderful pictures. They are so clear and also thanks for getting on top of the speakers…you have a vantage point that is great.
I am trying to SHARE them on my FB but I cannot. If you can send them to me it would be great…..if you cannot it’s still wonderful to see them.
Much thanks….Ruby the Queen Mother of the Nobles and Bill Murray the KING of the NOBLES.
DeniseWill be missed as others ain’t there no more…are missed.