We met the Hall family just before Mother’s Day when we were contacted by the mom; all she wanted for Mother’s Day was to have her family photographed while they were all together in New Orleans for the weekend. It becomes so difficult when families start to grow and change and scatter across the country, but no matter where we go, the love of family remains strong. For this reason, having precious photographs taken with family becomes ever more important. I totally got it, having my own “scattered” children, so when rain threatened to cancel our session, I went into panic mode looking for backup indoor places to photograph, since rescheduling was not an option. I settled on the amazingly beautiful botanical garden at New Orleans City Park, with the full intent of diving into the greenhouse should rain become an issue. And you know what happened? It rained before our session, and it rained after our session, and it remained dry with amazing light during our session! We spent the afternoon walking the gardens with the Halls, and enjoyed capturing the beautiful love they share, while watching their individual personalities, along with a big surprise, unfold before us!
Rose ChildressBeautiful work as always!