We are in Dallas this week to photograph the wedding of one of our dear friends and we cannot wait to share those beautiful images from Saturday night … coming soon! Today we went out to do a little sightseeing, and in our quest to figure out what our Mondays with M post would be, in the spirit of “ask and you shall receive”, I looked up and the M-Line, or the McKinney Avenue Transit Authority, was staring us right in the face! We wandered into the car barn and walked through and got a wonderful little tour and impromptu photo shoot from the fabulous and friendly staff! How fun! Unlike New Orleans streetcars, that are all alike, each of the Dallas streetcars is a restored vintage trolley, and each is different. You can read all about that here. Each of the streetcars has her own name … so we hung out with none other than Matilda! Happy Monday, ya’ll! Thanks for hanging out!
Mondays with M – Moments with Matilda!